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Spartronics Currently Ranked #4 in Washington, Oregon and Alaska

Spartronics Team 4915 are now ranked 4th among 153 teams from the states of Washington, Oregon and Alaska after four weeks of competition, according to FIRST.

Team 1595, The Dragons (Spokane, WA) is number one with 154 ranking points, Team 5803 (Seattle, WA) are second with 148 points, Team 3238 Cyborg Ferrets (Anacortes) is third with 142 points, Spartronics have 129 points and Team 2046 Bear Metal (Maple Valley) rounds out the Top 5 with 109 points.

Ranking points are accumulated from two District Event competitions, as well as from winning awards. This is the final weekend of competitions for the PNW District and Spartronics will learn this Saturday that we officially qualify for the District Championships in Cheney, WA.

All of this, of course, would NOT be possible without our AMAZING Sponsors, whom we promote at EVERY event!
