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Spartronics Build Season: Week 2

Programming Team Working Hard

Subteam Updates:

Mechanics have started their build season off with a bang! In the short time available to them they’ve already managed to build and wire two test chassis for use by electronics and programming. Construction has begun on a scissor lift and mechanisms for cube manipulation are in the process of being prototyped.

Electronics have used the test chassis they got from mechanics to great effect. The electronics are completed for both chassis and pneumatics for one. Putting these components on the chassis has provided a great opportunity for the new members of the subteam to get some hands-on experience.

At this early juncture in the build season, programming has been primarily focusing on teaching new members of the team the code used to program the robot. This will allow the subteam to work more efficiently as the build season progresses.

While the mechanics, electrical and programming subteams are laboring over the robot marketing has been busy trying to improve the website. They’ve also been working on Spartronics 2018 attempt at winning the Chairmans award. Chairmans is given to teams who best embody the goals and purpose of FIRST and is the most prestigious award they offer.

The Spartronics app. Rest In Peace.

End of the Spartronics App:

Sadly, the marketing team has made the decision to end development of the Spartronics app and pull it from the app store. The decision was made so the team can focus further development efforts on the website. We’re confident this will lead to a better website than that of years past.

Robotics Captain Kenneth

Spartronics Dean’s List Nominee:

Kenneth Wiersema, one of Spartonics four captains, is the team’s nominee for the 2018 Dean’s List Award. The award, sponsored by the Kamen family, aims to recognize students who best represent the values of FIRST. Finalists will be chosen at the regional or state level and winners are selected at the World Championship. Kenneth, a junior, said he’s “surprised and honored” to be nominated for Dean’s List. We all wish him the best of luck!

Sears and Associates Logo

Sponsor Spotlight: Sears & Associates

Sears & Associates has been a sponsor of Spartronics from the very beginning. Their continual support, especially that of Reene and Larry Sears, have been invaluable to the team. Our team’s success wouldn’t be possible without our sponsors.

Thank You Sears & Associates!

This is Will’s Story
Down below is a video created this year to share with our top sponsors, like Sears & Associates. It shows exactly where the dollars sponsors donate go and the effect they have on students on the team. Everyone involved in Spartronics has a story similar to Will’s, stories that our sponsors have helped create.