FRC Specific Resources
- Chief Delphi
- A forum for discussion of anything FRC.
- Updated Roboting: A Guide for Total Noobs
- This resource scratches the surface of almost everything in FRC. Anything from drive trains to wheels to motors to electronics.
- (Old Version)
- An Idiots Complete Guide to FRC
- Goes more into the physics behind robots. An older resource but still very valuable.
- FRC Manipulators
- A presentation looking into the different styles of Manipulators used in FRC.
- Resource for researching prior robots
- Put together by Chris R., it encompasses many robots from previous years including anything from CAD to engineering notebooks on those robots.
General Mechanical/Tool Resources
- Team 358 Mechanical Resources
- General mechanical resources. Similar to Roboting for noobs but contains more in-depth links to mechanical things such as gears, broaching, and tapping (plus much much more).
- Include links to Mill and Lathe resources.
- AMB Design Calculator
- This calculator comes in handy when design mechanisms.
- The spreadsheet will download when the link is opened.
- JVN’s Motor Calculator
- Can be used to figure out which gearbox ratios need to be used on robots.
- Grinding Aluminum
- Drilling Precise Bearing Holes
- Introduction to Reaming
Parts Vendors
- AndyMark
- Vex Robotics
- McMaster-Carr
- Online Metals
- West Coast Products
- BaneBots
- ThriftyBot
- Rev Robotics
- Armabot
- Swerve Drive Specialties