More than three hundred people attended our All Robotics Open House on Wednesday evening, March 13. It was our 5th Annual Community Open House and once again student led. It reminds us what an amazing community we have on Bainbridge Island: parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, administrators, young students who are building robots, students of all ages, School Board members, Sponsors, Schools Foundation leadership, neighbors, friends, extended family and other supporters turned out in mass.
The entire team has a message for Bainbridge Island: THANK YOU – THANK YOU – THANK YOU!
We would also have to extend a special thank you to the Bainbridge Review for its support of our team since we started five years ago. The Review ran a terrific story online helping tell the community about this event, as they have done almost every year!
Also we must thank our Spartronics Families and our team Sponsors — especially our local Sponsors — who provide more than two-thirds of our funding! This includes Microsoft Philanthropies, Boeing, Bainbridge Schools Foundation, Bainbridge Island School District, ACE Hardware Bainbridge Island, Sears & Associates, Island Family Eyecare, The Dalton Family, Jason Shutt of Windermere Real Estate Bainbridge Island, Modern Collision, Professional Options, FBO Partners, CAVU Networks, BARN, Westside Pizza, WAV Group, Wildernest, Sound Reprographics, BIMA, Columbia Bank, Fairbank Construction and Town & Country Markets.
Remember, Spartronics would not exist without the financial support of these local businesses, caring parents, support from volunteers, and involvement of our outstanding professional mentors and our tireless Coach, BHS teacher Enrique Chee
Bainbridge Island is helping Spartronics build more than robots: Islanders are helping us build our futures!
Here are some photos and videos from our 2019 Open House:

Bainbridge Schools Foundation head Allyson Brown (center) greeted by Spartronics team members Jake (left) and Peter

School Board member Mev Hoberg (center) is welcomed by Marketing members Jack Dutt and Emma Lahtinen