February 14, 2025

Senior Spotlight! Spartronics is proud to spotlight another amazing senior! This week we want to focus on Cole Trenchard. Cole joined us this season and has been enormously helpful by maintaining our website and creating content for these newsletters and our social media accounts. Additionally, Cole brings a pleasant personality and a can-do attitude that helps everyone around him feel welcome. Cole’s dream career is to be a Security Analyst, and with the skills he brings to the team we are all certain he can reach this goal!

Sponsor Spotlight! Spartronics would not exist without our genorous sponsors! We like to take time to go over our Sponsors’s reasons for supporting robotics island-wide through Spartronics. Below is questions we asked Bay Hay and Feed!
 1. Can you give us a brief description of your company and what it does?
Bay Hay and Feed is an old-fashioned farm store on Bainbridge Island. Bay Hay and Feed carries hay and grain, tools and farm supplies, dog and cat food and pet supplies. In addition, the Nursery offers a variety of plants and organic garden supplies. We have work clothing, boots and shoes, plus casual clothing for an active lifestyle. In our market, we sell local organic produce, fruit, bread, eggs, milk, meat and pretty much everything you need to make a meal! We also have a gift shop with greeting cards, books, fun kid toys, stuffed animals, baby clothing, kid boots & rain clothing. We stock Emergency supplies such as water barrels toilet sets, and water treatment.
2. Why have you chosen to sponsor Spartronics?
It was great to speak with the members of the Spartronics team in-person and to hear firsthand about the kind of projects they were working on. The dedication and excitement of the team as well as the in-person approach to asking for sponsorship made us want to sponsor Spartronics and the impressive work they do. 
3. Is there any way Spartronics fans can support your company?
Keep supporting local businesses!Please visit Bay Hay & Feed or visit their website! Thank you so much for your support!

Subteam UpdatesMechanics and Design:Mechanics and Design continued work on the climber and arm of the robot. They also used a CNC machine to machine parts and learn how to use it. Finally, they finished the chassis of the robot.

Programming students individually worked on their assigned subsystems. They also began testing their code with prototypes made by Mechanics. Programming also worked on creating auto code for the autonomous section of the match.

Programming student, Elliot, poses with the arm prototype that he programmed!Electronics:Electronics worked on a designating where electronic parts will be laid out inside the robot. For programming and mechanical it is very smart to plan ahead to find the most optimal position.They also started wiring components that Mechanics finished machining. 

Business + Marketing:Marketing published a new YouTube video! We also continued planning future outreach opportunities at local schools!Marketing submitted our Woodie Flowers Award and our Impact Award! The Woodie Flowers award is about a mentor who has done outstanding work teaching, supporting and helping Spartronics. The Impact Award is about Spartronics’s outreach impact in the community. If a team wins the Impact Award then they get an automatic pass to the district tournament. This means that it is very advantageous to win the Impact Award! We went over our sponsors and donations. If you want to sponsor or donate to the team, you can learn how to do so here, and if you’d like to become a mentor in any of the above sub-teams, please reach out to Coach Austin Smith (afsmith@bisd303.org).
As usual, we started this newsletter and took photos, asked interview questions, and recorded video.